about me
My name is Gaia Poli.
I am an expert in branding and communication strategies, working with people and communities.
I have an international academic education, obtained between Italy and the United States: a Bachelor of Arts (from Fairfield University) and a Master of Science in Strategic Communication (at Arkansas State University). I was born in one of the finest cities of art – Florence – to a family of jewelry entrepreneurs; it’s a precious educational heritage to which I owe my knowledge and particular sensitivity toward the business world and its features.
To my background, they add academic studies, a significant production of theoretical and elaborate contents in the field of marketing communication, brand communication, and strategic analysis of new media, a continuous path of in-depth study in various areas of visual communication, olfactory, experiential, i.e., understood in its broadest meaning.
These tools allow me to do a job I love enthusiastically: academic commitment and business consultancy, teaching (in universities), consultancy service for small and medium-sized businesses, artisan workshops, and professionals.